Еще один уик-энд - тот же результат, соски болят, очко уничтожено, тем не менее, хотелось бы, чтобы мне не приходилось делать это самостоятельно.
7,762 100%
Another weekend - Same result, nipples hurt, asshole is destroyed, once again I had to do it myself, once again I'd rather have been tied up and locked up since 36 hours now to be available to you and your friends over and over again and again without asking how i like it. Without any mercy, humiliated, punished used and shared with everyone you order me to. Once again i would love to be fucked apart by 5 - 6 massive huge Cocks and a group of males who love seeing me crying while they stuffing me from everywhere in every hole and let me laying there, still tied up covered with sperm and piss to then send me back to the bathroom so I can wash myself a little and, above all, put on my make-up like a hooker and have your cocks pressed in my mouth again. And no, I'm not interested in "online education" and I'm also not interested in eternal chats or coffee parties... I'm not looking for friends either, i am looking for being fucked and used and humilated till i just being crying and beggin
Транскрипция видео
Я едва могу признаться в 15 грехах.
Я плохо выгляжу.
Я не готов.
Какова была угроза?
У меня есть, у меня есть секрет.